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Orchestration SDK seems to have support for ARM only. We are not able to build an app with this SDK and test on iOS Simulator. 

If we are only able to build for actual devices and not the iOS simulator, it may…

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Am I correct in assuming that the MSS iOS Secure Storage SDK does not support sharing the storage between the app and the app extension? I came across a note (attached screenshot) in the documentation, but I would…

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After I introduced the SecureStorageSDK xcframework into xCode and set the build setting, I found that this plug-in could not use virtual machines! But the real machine testing is too troublesome during development, how to deal with…

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I need help with the following error: "Exception in onOrchestrationError: internalError(code: -8002, error: MSSDeviceBinding.DeviceBindingError.accessGroupNotAccessible(accessGroup: Optional(…