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We have created a reminder schedule for a transaction using .Net SDK by following this document 

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We are wondering if we are able to simulate the "CanChangeSigner" functionality using API/SDK calls after the signing process has started. Here is the process we're considering implementing at some point:

Package gets created…

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We try to use .NET SDK , but you don't use C#, and try to translate to another language.…

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C# code that can be used to generate usage reports (code mostly by Duo) and also a downloader tab to download inflight and/or complete transactions and their associated files.  Useful to download and use as is or reuse the code in…

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If a customer builds an integration using the API, they would at minimum need to reference the API key to connect to OneSpan is that correct or could they use access token?


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Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails out, or maybe just the completed email to…

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I am trying to create a new package using .net sdk from template which is already defined in the UI. I am trying to find an example which will help me to get started. This is what we are trying to accomplish


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I am using api key for authentication, retrieving template works fine but when i tried to create package it thrown 403 forbidden error.


We might be missing some settings on the…

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I noticed that our callbacks were not working in the sandbox and when I logged in to take a look at the callback settings, I noticed the callback key was no longer there. I see that OAuth 2.0 was added and there is an option to select…

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In my MVC code project testing creating a Package I am trying to add a .WithSignatureStyle and  .WithSignatureType. and the SDK says it does not have a definition of neither one in the builder.
The issue is that the signature…

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In my code I have 2 parameters that I am passing string uniqueId, string coBrand can you elaborate on this comments?

Co-Branding: To apply co-branding, you would typically configure these…

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Where is .WithSignatureStyle(SignatureStyle.HAND_DRAWN)); setup in the code

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Where do I find my API Key?

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I had API code below that used a PullPageSize of 500 and worked fine, but with the OneSpan updates that returns a null pointer.  I can use 100 without a problem.  


Why was the size limited?  What is the…

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What IP you'll be using to send events back to us in the sandbox environment. Is there IP restrictions on who we open this site up to from the outside? Just need to know so we can restrict that in the firewall.

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I am using 


signatureBuilder = signatureBuilder.WithField(FieldBuilder.RadioButton("Group3")

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Until recently this worked with 1000 per page but NOW I had to do 250 to get it to work correctly, why?  I tried 500 and it failed just like 1000.  Are the OneSpan service side resources to consumed or what's going on that it…

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I am looking for a C# code that will allow me to to add a signer in an specific  page but the signing has to be optional. So when they sign the document it will be complete even though they forgot to sign in one page because it was…

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When I am running my code there is point where I am assigning the X and Y position to the signers, using documentBuilder.WithSignature, but next to the signatures there is a date field that has to be updated automatically, and I…

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Running some test on QA now we are running on this issue. Can you share a light of what this could be?
Failed to communicate with the callback server. URL: Payload: {"…