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by default, the session timeout for sender/signer is 30 minutes. it's working for desktop version, but it seems not working for mobile signing or sender login. is there any different setting other than default one?
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Hi Duo,

We are trying to implement an iOS App which contains a WebView. The WebView runs our website, which contains a OneSpan iframe. When we load this iframe, the following message appears: "To ensure proper functionality of…

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Ou app use the eSignLiveSDK for iOS and that compile correctly in iOS 11. I need to update XCode to debug our code using a device with iOS 13.6. When I try compiling our app in XCode 12, I get an error: 

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Steps to reproduce

1- install mobile OneSpan sign app on Pixel 4xl

2- Click on "login to your account"

3- app crashes, no time to enter any logon credentials

See screenshots.

The phone…

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Hi, I am trying to get the OneSpan Mobile Authenticator 4.0 to work in Windows 11 via Window Subsystem for Android (WSA) but with no luck.

It just simply shows a loading screen and nothing happened after the loading screen is…

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OneSpan Sign application has been crashed.


The procedure:


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Are there any plans to provide an android example sdk? We are eagerly wating
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Hi, is there a way to include attributes using android sdk? Similar feature is available on java sdk but doesn't seem to exist for android e.g. .withAttributes(newDocumentPackageAttributes() .withAttribute( …
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I am following the EsignLive demo tutorial given by Michael Williams for ios here I am working on android and I have thought of implementing EsignLive in similar fashion. Requirement: Pre…
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Hi, We have a slight change in our requirement regarding drafts feature in eSignLive. I was unable to find any way to access drafts using the eSignLive android sdk making me believe that it is not supported currently. Currently I have…
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The mobile based document signing needs port 85 to opened. Is there a way to perform mobile based document signing using a secure port ?
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Hi my requirement is I want to download the templates and use them in offline signature capture? Does iOS sdk support downloading of templates and and applying them on documents in offline? Can templates be edited with pre populated data…
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Hello, Is there a way to capture the font-end event notifications in iOS? I am loading the signing session in a wkwebview and I'm trying to capture these events:…
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I am getting this error when running the sample app: ` dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib Referenced from: //.app/Frameworks/eSignLiveSDK.framework/eSignLiveSDK Reason: image not…