

I'm a front dev from a company that wishes to integrate your ESign product in our android/Ios apps.
I wanted to try out the Android solution and test the integration with the sandbox but I encountered some problems during the android integration process.

I followed the link : 



We are trying to automate the app shielding process in our CI platform by using the REST API.

The API method takes a file as a parameter but on use it returns "(422) Unprocessable Entity."

Below the PowerShell code:

$headers = @{"X-API-KEY" = "$apikey"
    "Content-Type"         = "application/json"

$filepath = "app-release.aab"

$uri = ""



I am testing out the Orchestation Client Sample APK that comes inside de SDK Source Files version 4.23.0

When testing Activation flow on the Client Sample APK, after entering the PIN Number the app shows an error with the message "Unknown Message"

After look for the error in the Logcat console, the exception message is the following: Exception in onOrchestrationError java.lang.RuntimeException: Flow type not supported

I want to know if this is a problem of the sample App or this is the final point of the Sample App.

Best Regards

Hi, Let's consider a practical scenario where there could be a possibility of feeble internet connection at the customer location, In such a case, can I print a copy of the document (yet to be electronically signed) from eSignLive ? Is there a 'Print' button available ? This is just a backup and can help in obtaining the wet signature from customer and close the deal .