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SHORT:  How to assign "RoleID" to SignerBuilder in vb.Net ?

We have a client who wants us to send the Invitation Email to begin a signing session to a customer's cell phone as well.  They claim that some of their customers don't have email (!) and only have

Our integration has the browser embedded within our app, and with it we have a fairly stripped-down look in the header area of the signing session.
Sometimes (not always, depends on situation) we want to remove the default Authorization document. I would like to know how to do it with REST API using JSON and http calls to the server.

Replies Created

Reply to: Remove Authorization document case-by-case

0 votes
Duo - Thank you. When I send the DELETE http call (nothing in the body, just the url as you defined) I get this response: URL: RESPONSE: {"messageKey":"error.validation.cannotDeleteDocumentInActivePackage","message":"The document is in an active package and cannot be deleted.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"} any ideas?

Reply to: Remove Authorization document case-by-case

0 votes
Perfect, thank you! My test package JSON had the status set to "SENT" not DRAFT (I thought it was, but it wasn't). Once I set it to DRAFT first, yes it works to allow me to delete the document then change status to SENT. Thank you again! -Joe

Reply to: Hide Download links, show custom Finished text

0 votes
Duo - Thank you, using your supplied changes, now 2 of the 3 links were removed, which is great! There is still one left, in the green bar (uploaded image) next to where it says "This package is complete.". I thought the JSON for documentToolbarOptions would do that, but it didn't seem to have that effect. JSON used in the settings segment: "settings":{ "ceremony":{ "inPerson":true, "optOutButton":false, "optOutReasons":["Decline terms."], "hideLanguageDropdown":true, "hidePackageOwnerInPerson":true, "disableFirstInPersonAffidavit":true, "disableSecondInPersonAffidavit":true, "declineButton":false, "hideWatermark":true, "hideCaptureText":false, "disableDownloadForUncompletedPackage":true, "layout": { "navigator": true, "footer": null, "brandingBar": null, "header": { "globalActions": { "download": false, "hideEvidenceSummary": true }, "sessionBar": false, "titleBar": { "title": false, "progressBar": false } } } }, "documentToolbarOptions": { "downloadButton": false } } Maybe I have something else missing? -Joe



Topics Replies Freshness Views Users

Hi - 

SHORT:  How to assign "RoleID" to SignerBuilder in vb.Net ?

2 1 year 9 months ago 36
Profile picture for user mwilliams

We have a client who wants us to send the Invitation Email to begin a signing session to a customer's cell phone as well.  They claim that some of their customers don't have email (!) and only have

5 1 year 9 months ago 40
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Our integration has the browser embedded within our app, and with it we have a fairly stripped-down look in the header area of the signing session.
5 5 years 2 months ago 72
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Sometimes (not always, depends on situation) we want to remove the default Authorization document. I would like to know how to do it with REST API using JSON and http calls to the server.
4 5 years 3 months ago 12
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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