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Hi Hakim,

Thank you for your quick reply. As of know I donot know what ships with these two distributions. I am mainly looking Onespan for Multi factor authentication which is core capabilities of Intelligent Adaptive Authentication. Which solution is cheaper Intelligent Adaptive Authentication or OneSpan Clould Authentication? 



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Do we have React Native SDK in currently available any product suite?

If no..What is the work around for React Native apps platform to integrate?




Reply to: How do I use MFA offered by Onespan

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Could anyone provide me the integration sequence diagram stating how would I integrate the cronto image code to my banking application? 




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Hi Hakim,

Wish you happy new year 2021 !

1. We have existing license agreement for MAS and OneSpan Authentication Server.

2. We are planning to use MSS product for Mobile Banking apps and Net Banking web application.

3. Could you please provide me the details about what are the SDKs required for Mobile Banking apps and similarly what all are required for net banking web apps

4. Attached is the activation diagram. I am going to propose . Please clarify my below doubts

1) How to I integrate MSS suits client app with OneSpan Authentication Server?

2) User defines and Confirms PIN, Where do we store them? 

3) I am already getting user credentials so in that case Can I skip register user identifier flow? Assume I have user identifier and password which end user will specify in mobile application and call the startAvtivation method of Orch SDk Client.....

4) Can you provide me the pointer in this attached sequence diagram how do I configure Cronto image generation and scanning?




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Hi Hakim,

Thank you so much for your reply. We are having MAS and IDENTIKEY Open Banking server Licensing. You are suggesting us to use MSS product suit to bring us new mobile interface for bank application.. Why and How is the Question in your plate.. How do my new Banking App+ MSS library would talk with aged old server IDENTIKEY authentication server.. Once you have cloud server available in your product suit... We are restful as of now .. all modern client apps integrating through REST API.. Why you say us to use SOAP API.. Is it high cost using your cloud server solution??

High Regards



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