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Reply to: Load a transaction from the server

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This method downloads the transaction and starts the signing ceremony. Before calling the above method, the following is needed: 1- The SDK should be integrated in the project 2- The instance URL should be provided to the SDK
eSignLive.dashboard().serverAddress = "SERVER ADDRESS GOES HERE"
3- The user should be logged in to the SDK using email/password or a session token. login with email/password:
- (void)loginWithEmail:(NSString *)aEmail
              password:(NSString *)aPassword
             andCallback:(void (^)(NSDictionary *response))aCallback;
login with session token:
- (void)loginWithSessionToken:(NSString *)aSessionToken withCallback:(void (^)(NSDictionary *response))aCallback;
4- The root ViewController on which the SDK is going to render it's UI should be set on the SDK. you can set this property from your project's ViewController.
eSignLive.dashboard().rootViewController =  self
5- The transaction ID (GUID) is needed to be passed to the method.
- (void)startESignCeremonyForTransactionWithGUID:(NSString *)aGUID;


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In iOS SDK there’s a function to “load a transaction from the server”, the syntax is like: eSignLive.dashboard().startESignCeremonyForTransaction(withGUID: “”) As the pac
2 6 years 1 month ago 28

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